Team L&M In about 850 AD, a Chola chieftain named Vijayalaya took control of Thanjavur and ushered in an era of unsurpassed prosperity and grandeur in Tamil Nadu. The most beautiful temples of South India were made under the rule of the Cholas. At Narthamalai, located on top of a hill, amidst the great beauty […]Read More
Research shows musical instruments in vogue during Harappan period
Shail Vyas Indian Culture is thousands of years old and so is our Music. Music is woven so deeply in our culture that it appears completely inseparable. The very fact that The Vedas were composed with musical notations and rhythmic meters, is an ultimate proof of that. But how much do we know about the […]Read More
Let’s face books. Not time pass facebook or data, meta, peta. What’s a book? Paper, cover, print and photos? Or, between two covers there are ideas that can change world, inspire individuals or help motivate society? Even move governments or make them fall. But, books today are like the radio of a bygone era. A […]Read More
Team L&M Tucked away between lush green hills of North East India, the bejewelled; and Manipur has preserved many jewels of the ancient culture of India. The people of Manipur had a unique tradition of worship through the ecstasy of dance. Since they believed that they were the descendants of celestial musicians, Gandharvas, they sought communion […]Read More
India being larger than Schengen countries (they have 26 countries, we 28 states plus 8 union territories), how does one even plan or think of one policy for the entire country? Well, we have one on agriculture then why not culture, aver many? Or we have on economic, social, financial and even maybe one on coal and mines! […]Read More
Team L&M Anang Tal, the centuries-old water reservoir in Mehrauli, is all set for better days. The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has decided to begin the cleaning up exercise of this centuries-old water reservoir from next week. A team of DDA officials headed by its Vice-Chairman Mukesh Gupta recently visited the area. As of now […]Read More
Benoy K Behl About 3,500 years ago, deities were created in Vedic Indian thought. These embodied the world of nature around us and provided us a deep connection to the forces which control our existence. The later deities of the Upanishadic period and the Puranas are the personifications of concepts and qualities. These qualities are […]Read More
Happiness Class or Curriculum. What an idea, Sir ji. Whose? HH the Dalai Lama, no less. Where? Delhi govt. schools, as models. And thanks to the most sauve Delhi culture-scene broadcaster Rajiv Mehrotra – he of the PBS fame – a documentary got made on the subject, recently screened at the IIC, Delhi. Dr Binay […]Read More
Upasana Kaura Launched as a social enterprise with a mandate to research, document, showcase, handicrafts and heritage in 2009, today, Gaatha is a one of its kind e-commerce platform that sells Indian handicrafts and heritage items, both décor as well as utility. The platform It has over 250 artisans on board from across the country. […]Read More
Kamlesh Patel Holi – a festival that brings vibrancy, joy, hope, aspiration, togetherness, generosity and a chance for change and transformation. This eclectic gamut has made us refer to it as the ‘Festival of Love’ or the ‘Festival of Colors’ or the ‘Festival of Spring’. Do you know how the festival of holi originated? According […]Read More