Team L&M With the aim to spread positivity as negativity and fear engulfed one and all due to the spread of Coronavirus, Himanshu Art Institute organised an online art competition — Creativity With Positivity on Instagram. The creative works, as per competition rules, sent by the participants were published for seven days on the Instagram […]Read More
Benoy K Behl The word “Puja” has sometimes been misinterpreted, by European writers, as “prayer”. Others have understood it correctly to mean “adoration”. Indic deities are adored, with incense, water, milk, flowers and through music and dance. The purpose of the philosophic path is for us to be able to see the truth beyond. To […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha I had planned to upload this interview on July 2 to coincide with the golden jubilee (50th) birthday of one of all-time favourite musicians, Subir Malik. Though the founder and organist of the legendary Rock band Parikrama had promised to revert positively to my questions on or before the momentous day, he got […]Read More
Benoy K Behl One of the contributions of the Indian philosophic streams is that there are no barriers placed between the spiritual world and the world of the senses. The art of this tradition is a fulsome sharing of the life experience, in all its aspects. It sees our perceptions, from the sensory to the […]Read More
Life at present is gripped by the fear of mortality and death, pain, helplessness, fighting an invisible enemy, where in the body and its care has become the most pertinent subject of discussion — its strength, and immunity, its frailty and vulnerability have taken centre stage. The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA) team felt […]Read More
Benoy K Behl For the sculptor in ancient India, the grace of divinity is everywhere. The stone before him contains the image of divinity and it is for him to but remove the outward aspects and to reveal that form. The process of making an image is not only a personal joy of discovery and […]Read More
Team L&M To make people aware that they can cure and heal themselves through music and various frequencies and its vibrations, Asia’s first healing band – Sound of Infinity Band – launched their first healing music single, Buddham, Sharnam, Gachchhami. The launch, held through FB Live on the occasion of World Music Day and International […]Read More
Indian origin Hollywood film producer shoots Covid-19 documentary Team L&M As film shoots are about to resume, an Indian filmmaker in Hollywood, Sweta Rai has shot a feature-length documentary film, A Pandemic: Away from the Motherland, under lockdown, all from her apartment in Downtown, Los Angeles. “This starts a new era of filmmaking or the […]Read More
Benoy K Behl In ancient Indian philosophy, the high purpose of life is to seek reintegration with the one. To perceive ourselves as part of the divinity of existence, thereby to lose the pain of a life caught in the web of endless desires. The aesthetic experience is considered to be of great value. Our […]Read More
The Goa Affordable Art Festival (GAAF) : Bangalore Edition, briefly paused in compliance with the government mandated lockdown. is now back to showcase the works of upcoming artists across the nation until Friday, June 26. The RMZ Foundation in collaboration with the Museum of Goa will once again play host to the creative and experimental […]Read More