Team L&M After serenading Bengaluru and Mumbai, singer couple Prassenjit Lahiri and Akanksha Tyagi have their eyes set on Delhi-NCR. The couple, consultants by professions, is holding an Acoustic Baithak of poetry and Ghazals, Ehsaas Ka Safar at IIC today. A fusion of sher-o-shayari and ghazals, the show will take the audience on a journey […]Read More
Team L&M Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam (GNN) has done a seemingly impossible task. It has converted an abandoned and filthy area adjacent to Radisson Blu Kaushambi in Kaushambi into a colourful Gazab Street which is not only spic and span but also sports several plants. The renovation of the area was done under GNN’s flagship programme […]Read More