Bhaskar Majumdar There is no doubt about the fact that Online learning will continue to be on the rise in the foreseeable future and top-notch reputed universities and academic institutions will consistently partner with credible online course offerors such as Coursera, UpGrad, NIIT and MICA. At the very basic level, such a surge in the […]Read More
Knowing your skin type is the basis of regular skin care, so that you can select products according to the needs of your skin. There are problems that are typical to skin type and dealing with them is an integral part of skin care. The imbalance in oil gland activity leads to skin problems. For […]Read More
Tanishka Maheshwari Netflix along with “chill” were most oft-repeated and popular words in our dictionary during the pre-lockdown period for my group of friends and me. A majority of our lives revolved around these. Whenever we got a surprise holiday, be it for any reason, on a working day, our happiness knew no bounds. There […]Read More