Tags : National School of Drama


Jolly Grant!

Summer is here! You can see in wilting flower beds, the paper-like poppy petals slowly falling off and  insects being out in full force! Makhi, Machchar, maha-ugly cockroaches in Hindi called Tilchitta. Did you know that? As kids growing up in the Capital city in the 1960s, we were taken by our parents to almost […]Read More


Ashwani Chopra: Candid Photo Artist

Ashish Khokar A for amiable. C for camaraderie. Ashwani Chopra was a jovial, happy, helpful, happening photographer who served Delhi’s art field, selflessly. Pay him, don’t pay him but he continued to smile. He always had a good word for most. Came to halls to take photos of dancers and musicians unobtrusively. Others do drama, […]Read More

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