Threefold Flame in the heart
Jaspal Soni
The threefold flame is the “divine spark” anchored in the secret chamber of the heart called Ananda-Khanda in Sanskrit or the root of joy. The threefold flame is literally a spark of sacred fire from God’s own heart, termed as Jyoti or Parkash in Hindi, which sustains the physical life. It is your soul’s point of contact with the Supreme Source of all life.
It has three “plumes” that embody the three primary attributes of God and that correspond to the Trinity in spirituality. The blue plume (on your left) embodies God’s Power and corresponds to the God as Father or Brahma. The yellow plume (in the center) embodies God’s Wisdom and corresponds to the god as Son or Vishnu. The pink plume (on your right) embodies God’s Love and corresponds to the God as Holy Spirit or Shiva. By accessing the Power, Wisdom and Love of the Godhead anchored in your threefold flame, you can fulfill your reason for being.
Also corresponding with the trinity of body, mind, and soul, the threefold flame supplies man’s needs for power to run the body (the faith and goodwill of the divine intent); wisdom to nourish the mind (illumination and the right use of the knowledge of the Law); and love to fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious outer manifestation (a just and merciful compassion that is always rewarded by individual creative fulfillment).
The flame within the heart is your personal focus of the sacred fire. It is your opportunity to become the fullness of your Divine Self while in embodiment.
The reduction of the Threefold Flame
During the previous golden ages, before man’s departure from divine innocence, the threefold flame enveloped his physical form. Man’s source of energy was literally unlimited and his divine consciousness was all-enfolding. Later, due to the misuses of man’s free will, the threefold flame was reduced to one-sixteenth of an inch in height.
The need for balance of the Three Plumes
It is possible to balance and expand the threefold flame in size. For example, as the flame of illumination expands from within your consciousness, it gradually enfolds your being until God, as holy wisdom, is enthroned upon the altar of your heart. But with each increase of wisdom, the power and love plumes must also be increased by your devotion; else the wisdom will not be retained.
Likewise, with each increment of power, there must come attainment of wisdom and love in perfect balance. So, too, love is actualised only through an equivalent manifestation of power and wisdom. Here is a simple mantra to balance the threefold flame:
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Beloved I AM!
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Take thy command!
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Magnify it each hour!
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Love, Wisdom and Power!
For More information, contact:
Chananda Cultural Society
7/5 Kalkaji Extension, New Delhi 110019
YouTube: chananda org
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To you all thank you filled with my uncondional love.