The ascended masters and their retreats open door to heaven
Jaspal Soni
Etheric Retreats
- An etheric retreat is a place where an ascended master lives and receives chelas (disciples).
- The retreats of the ascended masters have been established on the planet almost since the birth of the planet.
- We have been told that the greatest hope for the progress of mankind is actually through the retreats of the masters, the etheric cities of light that exist in the heaven world.
Functions of the Retreats
- Retreats serve many functions for the councils of the hierarchy ministering to the life waves of earth.
- Some retreats are open to unascended mankind, whose souls may journey to these focuses in their etheric body between their incarnations on earth and in their finer bodies (during sleep or samadhi).
- In the face of desecration and destruction of their shrines, the masters withdrew their centers and their flames to the etheric plane, hence the term “retreat.”
Maps of the Etheric Retreats
- There are over 50 locations of the etheric retreats that are charted on the map.
- Not all are known but many are.
- The retreats, temples and focuses of the masters are scientifically located upon the planetary body at certain key points in the design of the mandala.
Training at night with the seven chohans of the rays and the maha chohan
- The purpose of the etheric retreats is to offer training to the souls at night and in between lifetimes.
- These are the pictures of the eight chohans – one for each retreat who offer classes in his retreat.
- From left to right: El Morya (First Ray), Lord Lanto (Second Ray), Paul the Venetian (Third Ray), Serapis Bey (Fourth Ray), Hilarian (Fifth Ray), Lady Master Nada (Sixth Ray), Saint Germain (Seventh Ray), and Maha Chohan (Eighth Ray).
How to travel to the retreats
- Here is a short prayer you can give to Archangel Michael before you go to sleep to ask to be taken to the retreats.
- I call to Archangel Michael and his legions of blue-lightning angels to protect and transport my soul clothed in her finer bodies to the retreat of the ascended master (name here) this night.
Escort me, instruct me, guide and protect me. I ask this be done in accordance with the holy will of God.
For more information, contact:
Chananda Cultural Society
7/5 Kalkaji Extension
New Delhi 110019