Little fish dreams high

 Little fish dreams high

Saurabh Tankha

If the credit for making this picture book from Karadi Tales – Fly, Little Fish! –so attractive and beautiful should go to someone, it has to be its illustrators – Satwik Gade and Ashwathy PS. The two have very intelligently kept in mind the readership the book is targetted at – the age group of 4-6 with a wonderful play of bright colours with an indigo background, giving relief of white backdrops after a few spreads.

Fly, Little Fish!, penned by Lavanya Karthik, is the tale of a little fish who wishes to fly. Although she is advised by most around her that fish can’t take to the skies, it is not discouraged. Little wonder that we find the cute little trying hard to flap her tiny fins and practising to jump. Whether she does manage it or not, your little one needs to find out after reading through the hardbound book which teaches them to dream and motivates them to try what others perhaps would never even think about. You can get this attractive picture book for your little one from the nearest bookshop else opt for online purchase at Rs 399 from

Counting monsoon

Karadi Tales has also introduced a counting book for a rainy day – One Dark Cloud recently. Penned by Shobha Viswanath and illustrated by Ashwathy PS and Anusha Sundar, the paperback edition teaches the young one how to count while he or she experiences rains. Each double page spread has a number and things related with rain — so it could be hot cups of tea, spicy samosas, dark clouds or drops of rain, muddy boots, dripping raincoats, colourful umbrellas or croaking frogs. You can get it online here or get to the nearest bookshop, @ Rs 250.


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