Know Corona to Defeat Corona
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To educate people about Coronavirus in their native language at no cost, an online educational resource – Know Corona to Defeat Corona – providing all the vital information for kidney patients to fight against the deadly virus was released recently. The resource aims to work as an effective medium to combat the lack of knowledge surrounding Coronavirus, allowing for public education and bridging the knowledge gap with respect to the virus.
The information in the resource provided is authenticated by a team of kidney specialists from different parts of the world. It can be accessed free of cost on the kidney education website — in English, Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, French, Vietnamese, Serbian, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Punjabi.
There has been a “rapid escalation” with respect to the number of people infected by the Coronavirus. Globally, the virus has infected over 20,00,000 people and resulted in death of over killing 1,20,000. Currently, there is no vaccine to effectively treat Coronavirus so prevention is the best possible remedy.