WORLD YOGA DAY SPECIAL: Yoga connects the body, mind and soul

 WORLD YOGA DAY SPECIAL: Yoga connects the body, mind and soul

Raveena Tandon

Yoga is an ultimate ride to peace which our modern-day gym training lacks. Yes, we need to grow from every aspects of modern culture, but we canโ€™t go forward forgetting our natural way of living. Yoga provides relaxation, peace and charm which comes from within. It is a Science that allows man to arrive at perfect concentration by controlling his mind and thoughts.

Yoga has the power to transform personality. Pranayam in yoga itself is responsible to improve immunity. Various pranayams like bhastrika, kapal-bhaati, Anulom-vilom is the key to boost immunity.

Think of what you lose, much more than what you gain. Yoga does it all, it relieves anger, depression, physical body stiffness and laziness. Yoga aims at the development of perfect co-ordination between mind and body. It is the suspension of the modification of the mind. It has the power to withdraw the sense organs from artificial objects and brings back to the natural living.

Yoga is a way of life. It is your habit of living. It is a system of health, a culture that has been practices by yogis. It is the self awakening and self-realisation of the inner and outer world.


Vakrasana — The Half Spinal Twist Pose

It stimulates the pancreas and is therefore beneficial for people with diabetes.
It helps reduce belly fat.
It relieves the stiffness of the spine.
It helps with proper secretion of stomach acid, which helps correct digestion problems.
It helps in relieving symptoms of constipation and liver weakness.
It increases elasticity of the spine and makes it supple.
It tones spinal nerves.
It strengthens back muscles and reduces backache.

Dhanurasna — The Bow Poseย 

Effective in weight loss.
Improves digestion and appetite.
Helps toย cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
Cures constipation.
Improves blood circulation.
Gives flexibility to the back.
Strengthens back muscles.
Improves the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
Acts as a stress reliever.
Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.|
Cures menstruation disorder.
Improves function of kidney and liver.
Improves posture.
Releases back pain.
Cures respiratory disorder like asthma.
Helpful in stimulating reproductive organs.
Improves function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.


Virabhadrasana — The Warrior Pose

Strengthens and tones the arms, legs and lower back.
Improvesย balance in the body, helps increase stamina.
Beneficial for those with sedentary orย deskbound jobs.
Extremely beneficial in case ofย frozen shoulders.
Releases stress in the shoulders very effectively in a short span of time.


Ustrasana — The Camel Pose

Stretches chest, abdomen, quadriceps, and hip flexors.
Improves spinal flexibility; strengthens shoulders and back muscles, thighs and arms; tones organs of abdomen, pelvis and neck; reduces fat on thighs; loosens up the vertebrate; opens the hips; and improves posture.
Energizes the body, reduces anxiety and fatigue.
Stimulates endocrine glands, kidneys and digestive system stretching the abdomen and cure constipation.
Stimulates and improves respiratory and nervous systems by proper blood circulation.
Activates thyroid glands.
Ustrasana helps to heal and balance the chakras.


Bhujangasana — The Cobra Pose

It tones your body and the spinal nerves, keeping the spine strong and agile
It tones the abdominal muscles.
It improves digestion naturally.
It improves your liver as well as massages the kidneys.
The male and female reproductive system improves.
Irregular menstrual cycle problems are rectified too.
With increased blood circulation, your face gets a radiant look.


Matsyasana — The Fish Poseย 

Highly beneficial in curing abdominal ailments and constipation.
Intestines and abdominal organs are stretched and exercised.
Helpful in relieving inflammation and bleeding of piles.
Prevents respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis.
Alleviates back pain by improving the blood circulation in the spine.
Improves the functioning of thyroid gland and develops strong immune system.
Stimulates the functioning of pelvic region by increasing blood flow in this area.
Increases vitality and preserves youthfulness.

Learning to be gentle with yourself and to give yourself space to understand and grow can only be achieved by practicing yoga. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you are in the flow of yoga. Yoga is healing, calming and rejuvenating.ย It’s a stress-buster. Add yoga in life to unlock super strength in your personality.

The author is a yoga practitioner




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