Sensible dietary pattern, balanced diet key to keep our immune system strong

 Sensible dietary pattern, balanced diet key to keep our immune system strong

Team L&M

A healthy diet, physically activity, stress and sleep management are critical to keep our immune system strong. This was stated by health experts participating in a webinar on Nutritious and Balanced Diet: Key to Success organised by the ASSOCHAM recently.

Highlighting the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on people, nutritionist Ishi Khosla said, โ€œDue to the pandemic, even people with common problems like diabetes and obesity are finding it hard to deal with the issues arising out of Covid-19 induced lockdowns whereas earlier they were being able to cope up with such disorders.โ€

She also said that cooking food in gut-friendly oils like rice bran (for frying), mustard, coconut, cold-pressed ground nut, sesame oils, clarified butter can help improve gut health. โ€œNeed to use different oils for cooking during the day to get benefits of variety of nutrients,โ€ she remarked.

Nutrition and wellness consultant Sheela Krishnaswamy, Founder, Nutrition Nectar, said, โ€œNourishment for first 1,000 days can help prevent many diseases and the child then grows in to a fit and healthy adult. We must focus on this to create healthy individuals.โ€

โ€œParents need to be aware about promoting healthy eating habits among children. They must provide them with healthy alternatives like nuts and seeds, cut fruits,โ€ she added.

In his address, Anil Rajput, chairperson, ASSOCHAM National Council on CSR said, โ€œSedentary lifestyles, stressful work and an unhealthy diet are collectively impacting health of many people in the working age-group and the role of a healthy and nutritious diet in preventing and controlling NCDs cannot be overstated.โ€

โ€œConsumption of a balanced and nutritious diet is simply a matter of discipline and responsibility towards self, the family and eventually towards the society. It entails eating fresh fruits and vegetables, minimal consumption of heavy, oily food, reduced sodium and sugar intake along with regular exercise,โ€ he added.

โ€œWe are what we eat i.e., for our physical growth and development we need nutrients and that comes from the food we eat which has to be a balance of both macro and micronutrients-carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals etc. An imbalance of these critical nutrients leads to ailments and diseases,โ€ said Dr Rajesh Kesari, Founder & Director, Total Care Control, adding that regular exercise helps release anti-depressants.




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