Rajkumari Sharma Tankha As the celebrations of the 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi kick-start, Mumbai-based sculptor Nishant Sudhakaran has come up with an eco-friendly Ganesha idol. Made for Ford Motors in association with Madhvi Pittie, co-founder at Workshop Q, the six-feet sculpture is made entirely from automobile scrap. A specialist in creating sculptures out of metal scrap, this is […]Read More
Team L&M Entrepreneur Shilpa Bhatia launched her new fashion store, Terra Inde, in New York. The launch, as stylish as the brand and the woman behind it, marked actress Neetu Chandra modelling at Brooklyn Bridge. Speaking at the launch, Bhatia said, “Every business needs digital presence, so this business would be both, offline and online. […]Read More
Team L&M Gauri Khan unveiled her signature collection of designer lights from TISVA, a premium home decorative lighting brand from Usha International Limited. Made from Murano glass luminaires from Italy, it is an aesthetically hand-crafted collection, and available at all TISVA exclusive stores.Read More
Dr Divya Sharad, Mud is one of the five elements of nature which has an immense impact on the body in normal health as well as during sickness. It can be used as a therapeutic agent in naturopathy treatment because it absorbs all the colors of the sun and retains moisture for a long time […]Read More
Team L&M How about finding the right pair of sunglasses to flaunt your high spirited sporty personality! If you are still searching…it’s time to go bold, rough, rugged and own this pair of sunglasses from Nova Eyewear which is a foldable, compact aviator model. This gold framed, brown gradient lens sunglasses from Nova is surely […]Read More
Team L&M Faber has come up with its new elegantly designed dishwasher, the Frankie dishwasher. An efficient machine, it uses much less water than hand washing and does the job in minutes. It is semi-integrated, has stainless steel finish, electronic control and push button features. The bottom rack is accessorized with a handle which makes loading and […]Read More
Team L&M If you want to stay slim, you have to change both your food intake as well as go in for a healthy lifestyle. You should eat not for the sake of taste but more the health benefits it gives. Go For fresh food & Eat Smaller Portions As far as possible go for […]Read More
Yogi Ashwani is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Here he tells us how important Yoga is for a balanced mind and body. When we need to balance a gruelling work schedule with a healthy […]Read More
Team L&M All those women who face sexual harassment at work place can now register their complaints online through the new complaint management system titled Sexual Harassment electronic–Box (SHe-Box). The SHe-Box system has been developed to ensure the effective implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act (the SH Act), 2013. […]Read More
Spirulina, a blue-green algae found in pristine freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers offers a myriad number of health benefits. It is one of the richest natural sources of protein and a complete food for the body. It contains essential fatty acids along with vitamins and minerals that offer health benefits to practically every organ and […]Read More