Spinach, as we all know, is one of the most beneficial green leafy vegetables around us. It is iron packed besides being nutritionally essential part of our diets and cuisines. The importance of having spinach is old and highlighted from the time we saw it as the favourite of Popeye The Sailor Man to many […]Read More
Your favourite person’s birthday is here and the city is under lockdown? It is particularly a hard time for all of us to make our loved ones feel special with no getting together and singing happy birthday and partying. Birthdays are the perfect time to treat your taste buds with a delicious cake. Here are […]Read More
The sun’s damaging effects on the skin are well known, but what about the hair? Indeed, the hair is also affected by the seasonal changes and the summer sun. Moisture depletion is the immediate result of sun-exposure. It dries out the hair. The sun’s rays also cause damage to the cuticle, the outermost protective layer […]Read More
The 2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan now comes with many practical and comfort-based upgrades, but does this justify the price hike? We find out It’s been five years since the Himalayan made its debut, but in that time Royal Enfield has been improving this adventure bike by first upgrading the fuel supply from carburetor to fuel […]Read More
Indulge in the crunch and freshness of salads this season to stay rejuvenated! Summer is here and there being a need to be aware of what needs to be included in our diet. And the importance of nutrients and dietary fibre along with the essential vitamins and immunity boosting properties are to be looked at […]Read More
TARUNA SHARMA Bath salts are in huge demand these days. Almost every cosmetic brand, especially those that are natural and organic, has launched bath salts of its own. That’s fine too, as Bath salts are a great way to help you unwind. Typically made from Epsom salt and essential oils, bath salts are a great way […]Read More
UPASANA KAURA How many times have you heard your parents and grandparents tell you that you must walk to that neighbourhood grocery store, go for morning and night walks? I am sure plenty. If you have not listened to them ever, read this. Walking is not just good for your mental health, it also helps […]Read More
UPASANA KAURA If you are a regular with sugary drinks including soda, ditch them now. For consuming sugary drinks may cause lipid imbalance which, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), states a new study, published in Journal of the American Heart Association. According to the study, even 12 ounces of sugary drinks more than once a day is harmful as it lowers high-density […]Read More
TARUNA SHARMA Body mists are increasingly becoming a must-have fragrance for everyone. But do you know what exactly is it, how is it applied on body, and how is it different from perfumes and deodorants? Worry not. We give you a lowdown on all this. But just remember one thing: All those who want a long-lasting fragrance from the […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha It was while talking to a Gurugram-based colleague that I got to know about VDeliver. So much praise did my friend shower about the delicious food from this unilateral cloud kitchen that I decided to try it out myself. But then a question crossed my mind – would this Gurugram-based kitchen deliver to […]Read More