Herbs and supplements that are good for men’s overall health and well being

Kamayani Naresh

When it comes to health, there are multiple different aspects to consider. Men’s health has many points to consider, like the health of their reproductive systems, prostate health, heart and nervous system health. A critical way to nourish your health and the overall well being of the body is to enhance the body’s endocrine system. The system is responsible for producing hormones that control most of the body’s functions.
A healthy diet, stress management and exercising help keep the body at its optimum functioning. Aided by the right supplement, your body’s internal functions and organs can work to their full capacities and allow you to live a healthy life. Some natural herbs should be consumed naturally or in form of supplements which can be included in a daily healthcare routine for men’s health.

A popular ayurvedic herb used in multiple medicines, ashwagandha can be consumed as a tonic too. It helps nourish the nervous and immunity systems by enhancing a positive mood and energy levels. A natural adaptogen, it helps enhance the body’s natural resistance to stress while improving the overall immunity functioning of the body. Supplements made using Ashwagandha are for the modern man, juggling a stressful job while raising a family and having an active social life.

Used as a heart tonic, Hawthorn supports different aspects of the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems, hawthorn contains antioxidant flavonoids, including OPCs, may help ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, heart failure etc. It is also recommended for those suffering from grief.

Saw Palmetto
A common remedy for those who need help promote the functioning of their prostate, Saw Palmetto helps balance the hormone levels in the body. It also supports the prostate in staying healthy as the body ages. Including supplements with Saw Palmetto plays a part in male development, as it helps the body fight against many common health issues such as loss of libido, enlarged prostate and hair loss.

Safed Musli
Found locally in India, this herb has anti-inflammatory properties and helps maintain the male libido at a healthy level. A common ingredient in supplements, Safed Musli, is given to those who suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Over the years, it has become a body-builders friend and is often found in supplements prescribed to them. Its de-stressing properties and cancer-fighting agents have made it rank high as a herb included in multiple supplements.

Another native to India naturally found mineral. This Ayurvedic ingredient has multiple properties that help the human body function well. Known to enhance male fertility and testosterone levels, Shilajit is often recommended to men in the form of supplements. Shilajit helps maintain the body’s health and helps against obesity, resulting in less fatigue and more strength over the duration of taking Shilajit supplements.

These are a few naturally found herbs and ingredients we recommend to men in their diet in the form of health supplements. Since men restrain from talking about their health and fertility issues, it is important to consider supplements and medication that are more natural-based and offer zero to no negative side effects. Remember, introducing your man to the right supplements earlier on ensures your man’s health and fitness are maintained, after all, prevention s better than cure.

Kamayani Naresh is
Founder, Zyropathy


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