Dr Kavita Bhatnagar, and her book ‘The Power of Imperfect Eating’

Dr Kavita Bhatnagar

We’ve all been there. The moment we decide to take charge of our health, whether it’s eating better, exercising regularly, or managing stress—enthusiasm is high. But then, life happens. A busy schedule, social gatherings, or just the occasional craving for comfort food can throw us off track. What starts as a small hiccup often turns into an excuse to abandon our goals altogether.

Why does this happen? More often than not, it’s not the goal itself that’s difficult, but the way we approach it. Here are ten common roadblocks that stand in the way of lasting lifestyle changes and how to navigate past them.

  1. Waiting for the “Perfect” Time

There’s always a vacation, a wedding, or a busy work phase on the horizon. The idea of waiting for the “perfect” moment to start a healthy routine seems reasonable—but it never arrives.

The fix: Instead of waiting, start small. A 10-minute walk today is better than waiting for an hour-long workout “someday.” The best time to start is now.

  1. Fear of Commitment

Many hesitate to commit because they fear failure. “What if I can’t keep this up?” they wonder. So they never start at all.

The fix: Stop thinking of health changes as permanent, rigid commitments. Try a “one-week experiment” instead. Swap one sugary drink for water, or stretch every morning for seven days. Short-term goals feel less intimidating and build confidence.

  1. Avoiding the Reality Check

Not keeping track of what we eat, how much we move, or how often we sleep poorly is often a way to avoid facing uncomfortable truths. But what we don’t measure, we can’t improve.

The fix: Without judgment, start tracking. A simple food diary or step counter can highlight patterns and you can make small tweaks .

  1. Struggling to Say “No”

Social pressure can be tough. The “just have one bite” at a party can make it hard to stick to your goals.

The fix: Prepare responses in advance. A polite but firm, “I’m trying something new for my health” works wonders. Also, remember: one treat doesn’t ruin progress—it’s the pattern that matters.

  1. Letting One Setback Spiral Into Giving Up

A missed workout, a skipped meal plan, or an indulgent weekend can feel like failure. “I’ve already messed up, so what’s the point?”

The fix: Think of progress like a GPS. If you take a wrong turn, it reroutes—you don’t abandon the whole trip. The same applies to habits. Get back on track at the next opportunity.

  1. Not Understanding Energy Levels

Some days, you’re too exhausted for a workout or cooking a full meal. When this happens, many people either push through and burn out or give up entirely.

The fix: Learn to work with your energy, not against it. On low-energy days, swap high-intensity workouts for light stretching or a walk. Keep easy, nutritious meals on hand—like yogurt with fruit or a handful of nuts—so you don’t default to unhealthy options. Progress isn’t about doing your best every day, but doing something consistently.

  1. Overreacting to Small Slip-Ups

A single slice of cake or missing one workout doesn’t undo all your progress—yet many let small slip-ups feel like catastrophes.

The fix: Zoom out. Ask yourself: “Will this matter in a week?” If the answer is no, move on. The long-term pattern is what counts.

  1. Falling into the ‘All-or-Nothing’ Trap

Many believe that if they can’t do something perfectly, they shouldn’t do it at all. “I didn’t have time for my full workout today, so I’ll skip it entirely.”

The fix: Instead of perfect, aim for “better.” A short walk is better than no movement. Half a healthy meal is better than none. Progress happens in small steps, not perfect leaps.

  1. Using Lack of Knowledge as an Excuse

Many people believe they need a perfect diet plan or workout routine before they start. This search for “more information” becomes an excuse for inaction.

The fix: Begin with what you know. Drink more water, eat whole foods, move daily. Learn as you go, but don’t wait to act.

  1. Relying Too Much on Motivation

Motivation fades. What starts as an exciting challenge soon feels like a chore, and without a plan, we give up.

The fix: Rely on habits, not motivation. Set a schedule, pair activities with existing routines (like stretching while watching TV), and reward small wins.

The secret to lasting lifestyle changes isn’t willpower, it’s strategy. Small, sustainable actions taken consistently matter more than occasional big efforts.

So instead of waiting for motivation or the “right” moment, just start. A single step today could be the beginning of a much healthier, happier you.

Dr Kavita Bhatnagar is an Eating Behaviour Psychologist, Food Scientist, and Nutritionist.
She recently came out with her book, The Power of Imperfect Eating


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