Tribute to the first women of Hindi cinema

 Tribute to the first women of Hindi cinema

If you happen to be in Mumbai this October 1, make sure you are at the Tata Theatre, NCPA at seven in the evening to watch renowned Sufi Kathak dancer Manjari Chaturvedi pay tribute to the first stars of Hindi cinema and talk about the lineage of the royal performers of the erstwhile courts. The theatrical dance production traces the lives of such incredible women, the Begums and Baijis of Bollywood — the First Women of Hindi Cinema with actors narrating their stories and dancers recreating the dance that formed the base of the entertainment industry we know as Bollywood today.

Explore this lost era and the magical world through dance, music and theatre with narration by Ekant Kaul and Burhan Qureshi. For tickets, visit or call Box Office on 022-66223724/ 54.


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