Premola Ghose’s Gang of animals on show at India International Centre
Premola Ghose, Pic by Ram Rahman
Team L&M
The India International Centre, New Delhi, is celebrating the life and art works of its former Programme Division chief Premola Ghose, who passed away in 2019. Most of the works exhibited in the show were done between the period of 1996 and 2018, and reflect her personality as well as her passions. Her quirky, often irreverent, sense of humour, her playful sense of mischief and eye for the absurd; her deep interest in history and architecture; her zest for travel both in India and abroad; her love of nature and animals everything comes out quite evidently in her works.
‘Cherry blossom viewing with geisha sans of Kyoto’ and ‘Japan’
The show also has works that are reminiscent of her world at the India International Centre where she worked for 40-odd years, putting her heart and soul into all that she did.
‘In Transylvania, Romania’ & ‘Zipping through the hills of Perugia, Italy’
A wonderful storyteller as well, Premola authored a series of travel tales all featuring her quirky ‘Gang’ of animals and their adventures not only in India but also in Europe, Sri Lanka and Japan.
‘Jerusalem the Golden’ & ‘An Iberian palette’
The ‘gang’ of animals that Premola Ghose created in early 1990s, was central to Ghose’s canvas, for she had lots and lots of love for mute animals. The tiger, giraffe, bear, lion, rabbit, horse and parrot depicted in the ‘Gang’ are not animals, but foils to characters in real life.
Exhibition on view from January 22 -31, 11am to 7pm at the
Art Gallery, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC, New Delhi