Are you balding?

Hair loss, progressing to balding, is more common among men than women. In men, for instance, hair loss can be due to hormonal and hereditary factors. It is called “Male Pattern Baldness.” Doctors believe the male sex hormone androgens are an important factor in male pattern baldness. As a male, if you are facing hair loss, or a receding hairline, it is necessary to consult a hair specialist to determine the cause.
Male Pattern Baldness can even lead to hair loss in young men. Needless to say, the condition leads to a great deal of despair, especially in a young man. When Male Pattern Baldness sets in, the hair can begin to recede at the hairline near the temples. A bald patch may develop on the top of the head too. Over time, the bald areas merge together. If the hair is oily, it can compound the problem. Vigorous head massage should be stopped. If the roots are weak, massage will aggravate the problem.
If the hair is oily, avoid oil applications and wash the hair with a mild herbal shampoo three or four times a week. Take very little shampoo, dilute with a little water and then apply. Only one application of shampoo is enough. If the hair is oily, avoid hair dressing gels and creamy conditioners. A hair rinse, or a few drops of hair serum would be better. We also advise the application of a non-oily herbal hair tonic daily.
We have treated Male Pattern Baldness with courses of clinical treatments to stimulate the follicles. It helps improve blood circulation to the follicles. During clinical treatments, hair tonic is applied and methods are followed for better absorption. Dietary advice is provided. If there is hair loss, hair should be handled very gently. Avoid brushes and use a wide toothed comb. Avoid permanent hair dye and other chemical lotions.

The diet and lifestyle are also important. I would recommend taking a small bowl of sprouts daily. Sprouts contain amino acids, which are very beneficial for the hair. Include fresh fruits, raw salads, leafy green vegetables, whole grains and curd in the daily diet. Drink plenty of water. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of water and have it first thing in the morning. Ask your doctor to prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements. Biotin, a B-Vitamin is said to help hair growth. Try to reduce stress. Learn yoga and practice it daily, including deep breathing exercises.
However, in Male Pattern Baldness, if the condition progresses to baldness, one has to look for solutions, in order to reduce anxiety. Apart from wearing a wig, there are other options, like hair weaving, hair extensions and hair transplant. Hair weaving is done if the person is partially bald. The hair is actually woven to the roots of the existing hair. The hair is sometimes glued on. Then it is said to grow naturally. Partial hair extensions are becoming more popular in the hair weaving method. However, washing the hair and keeping the scalp clean poses a problem and one has to go periodically to get the weave tightened when the hair grows out.
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure, in which a portion of the scalp which contains hair is taken, along with the hair follicles and grafted in the bald areas. The hair then begins to grow in the bald areas. Nowadays the procedure has become very advanced and is said to be better than hair weaving. It may be done in one session, or may take several sessions. Precautions are taken before and after the procedure, since it is surgical. The costs of hair weaving and transplant can range from Rs 40,000 to Rs 50,000 and above.

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