Sadhguru Unfortunately, as most human beings have not found any sense of deep fulfillment within themselves, they are constantly hankering for dominance. When power becomes a means to dominate, it becomes ugly. But we need to understand that it is not just political or economic, there are various ways to be powerful – throughlove and […]Read More
Sadhguru Devotion means taking your emotion to its highest pitch. It is held as the highest form of emotion because it is the least entangling – it is liberating. But if you have your own agendas, don’t waste your time on devotion because you cannot be a devotee. Devotees are very beautiful people within themselves, […]Read More
Question: Only a part of my mind is under my control, the rest of it is out of control. When I want it go this way, it goes another way. Can you tell me how to control my mind? Sadhguru So, only certain parts of your mind, seem to be in your control. Suppose you are […]Read More