The first day of the two-day art festival, Ekam, curated and organised by the superbly creative Kalashree Lata Surendra opened with Lataji saying, “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain. That’s what this dynamic dance teacher to actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has done, taking art from the confines […]Read More
This beautiful world looks even more beautiful to us because of artistes who show us the various colours of life around. There are different types of artistes in this world. Some are singers, dancers, painters, musicians and many more. But there are a few who are all-in-one. It has been a while that I have […]Read More
It is said for a dancer that dance should always be a very spiritual thing, a way that connects him or her to the supreme power, the power that has blessed the dancer with the gift of dance. Each move, each step, each expression slowly and steadily brings the dancer closer to the divine power. […]Read More
In India, there are a number of privately run dance schools and institutions that teach various Indian classical dances. Some of these schools are run by renowned classical dancers but one institution that is class apart and has a made a name for itself all over the world is Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya with its […]Read More
A dancer’s face and body is constantly on display and under bright lights, be it on the dance floor or the stage. They normally wear costumes that show off their body and skin and there are always a number of people looking at a good dancer and observing his/ her dance skills as well as […]Read More
Sadhguru The moment man became religious, it should have been the end of all conflict. Unfortunately, religion has become the main source of conflict everywhere in the world. It has taken the maximum number of lives and caused the maximum amount of pain on the planet for thousands of years. This is because a religion […]Read More
India is known for its rich tradition, culture and values. We are acknowledged all over the world for our great music and dance forms. In fact, our god of dance is Lord Nataraja and Lord Krishna is known for his raaslilas. Before we perform any form of Indian dance, we pray to the god of […]Read More
Sadhguru The human muscular system is a phenomenal thing. What our muscles can do is fantastic. And this can be enhanced by strengthening them, but at the same time making them very flexible. If you do a lot of weights, your muscles will look big but without flexibility. If you see people who have grown […]Read More
Sadhguru Unfortunately, as most human beings have not found any sense of deep fulfillment within themselves, they are constantly hankering for dominance. When power becomes a means to dominate, it becomes ugly. But we need to understand that it is not just political or economic, there are various ways to be powerful – throughlove and […]Read More
Sadhguru Devotion means taking your emotion to its highest pitch. It is held as the highest form of emotion because it is the least entangling – it is liberating. But if you have your own agendas, don’t waste your time on devotion because you cannot be a devotee. Devotees are very beautiful people within themselves, […]Read More