Now, audiobooks by Ruskin Bond
The Master Storyteller Ruskin Bond
Team L&M
Celebrated and iconic contemporary writer Ruskin Bond has collaborated with Penguin Random House India to launch his first set of audiobooks based on his original short stories. This is the first time an author of Penguin Random House India records his own work in his own voice for an audiobook. This series of audiobooks will be released in early 2020 and will be available across all leading audiobook platforms.
A great treat for the fans of Ruskin Bond, both children and adults, to not only be able to read the written works by the masterful storyteller but also be able to listen to it anywhere anytime. To begin with, Ruskin Bond is recording eight chapter books, based on different themes – adventure, thriller, animals, nature, travel and many more. Chapter Books are an exciting format where previously published short stories are broken into shorter chapters to make reading easy for young readers. Beautifully illustrated, these eight chapter books will find a new lease of life by being accessible to a wider audience in the audiobook version and help build a deeper connect between the author and the readers and listeners.
The legendary author Ruskin Bond comments, ‘Thanks for Puffin and Penguin audiobooks I can realise my ambition of reading aloud my own stories, and that too, to an audience of thousands of young and old readers — now listeners — lovers of good storytelling. Here are some of my favourite stories — Cherry Tree, Getting Granny’s Glasses, The Eyes of the Eagle, White Mice, Earthquake, and several others — first published as short chapter books by Puffin, and now presented to you in audio form. Not every author has the chance to read aloud his own stories to an appropriate audience. I had fun doing the readings, and I hope you’ll enjoy them too. Happy listening!”