Aim for strengthening cooperation in tourism sector Team L&M To strengthen cooperation in the field of tourism, India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd (ITDC), the public sector undertaking under the aegis of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has signed an MoU with Moroccan Agency for Tourism Development (SMIT), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Tourism, Government of […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha Remember the innumerable occasions your grandmother told you how, as teenagers, your grandfather and even your father, ate dollops of butter on paranthas every morning, or had two teaspoons of desi ghee every morning. And how you, by not eating all this and more, miss out on being a physically fit individual. Well, […]Read More
The changing ways of dance in cinema Bollywood is over a 100 years old and produces the highest number of films in a year in the world: six-seven movies release every week which means 300-350 movies a year. So can you well imagine if we release so many films in a year, how many of […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha It was a chance visit to the LTG Auditorium at Mandi House in the National Capital that I happened to watch a play which drew my attention by its title. Bayar, directed by theatre director Raunak Khan, who has also directed plays like Khoj-bin, Hawalat, Khuda Hafiz and many more in the recent […]Read More
हिंदी देश की आत्मा में बसती है दोस्तों शरीर नश्वर पर आत्मा कभी नहीं मरती आत्मा को अगर हम अजर – अमर मानें तो हिंदी सदा हमारे लफ़्ज़ों में, रूह में है हिंदी पर गर्व है मुझे, हिंदी से मुझे प्यार है विज्ञान की छात्रा होने के कारण दसवीं तक हिंदी पढ़ी, वो भी मात्र […]Read More
Team L&M The next time you happen to be in and around Rohtak, make sure you visit the famous Tilyar Lake. Or you can even plan a weekend trip to this beautiful destination in Haryana, especially if you stay in Delhi-NCR. The reason why we say this is because India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd (ITDC) […]Read More
जब नारी खुद में रखती इतना दम बिना उफ्फ झेले घर-समाज के गम पलायन ही क्या नीलपरी मुसीबत का अंत क्यों आज नर में दमखम इतना कम वैसे तो हर एक जान की कीमत अनमोल है, परन्तु इतने उच्च पदासीन व्यक्ति का ऐसा दुःखद अंत सामाजिक और राष्ट्रीय क्षति भी है। तीस वर्षीय आइपीएस सुरेंद्र […]Read More
मालविका हरिओम इन किताबों में कुछ तो होता है ओस बनकर जो मन भिगोता है इल्म के एक-एक मोती को रूह की तार में पिरोता है कोई तो है जो ग़म सँजोता है इन किताबों में कुछ तो होता है ज़िन्दगी के हसीन पन्नों पर जब वो तारीख़ मुस्कुराती है तेरी यादों की तितलियों […]Read More
Team L&M Imagine the PET bottle you took a sip from to gulp down your favourite soft drink and threw into the garbage bin coming back to you in the form that you can wear. In times when there has been a never-ending hue and cry about the need to cut down on the use […]Read More
Dolly Kumar Who doesn’t like to be have that perfect body? But then, weight loss can be a tedious task. No matter which diet you follow, they say the key is to be consistent and follow it religiously. In fact, 99% of diet fails because we give up after a certain period. The worst is […]Read More