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Parth Amin Imagine glancing in the mirror and noticing two distinct ages staring back at you. For William Edward McElligott, a seasoned truck driver, this daily occurrence serves as a poignant reminder of the divergent impacts of sun exposure on his face: 66 on one side and 86 on the other. This striking contrast vividly […]Read More


अक्षय तृतीया हर कार्य के लिए शुभ दिन है

नेहा मंगल अक्षय तृतीया या आखा तीज वैशाख मास में शुक्ल पक्ष की तृतीया तिथि को कहते हैं। पौराणिक ग्रंथों के अनुसार इस दिन जो भी शुभ कार्य किये जाते हैं, उनका अक्षय फल मिलता है। इसी कारण इसे अक्षय तृतीया कहा जाता है। वैसे तो सभी बारह महीनों की शुक्ल पक्षीय तृतीया शुभ होती […]Read More


Researchers at IIT Roorkee work out new model for Himalayan

Team L&M  Researchers from the Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management (CoEDMM) at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee unveiled a novel framework aimed at strengthening early warning systems for landslides triggered by rainfall in the Himalayas. Landslides and debris flows, particularly in the Himalayan region, have long posed significant challenges, especially during […]Read More


Crop residue burning assumes alarming proportions in Greater Noida

Team L&M While the Agriculture Department sleeps over, Greater Noida is witnessing several cases of crop residue burning. The latest incident is reported from village Chuhadpur village, klocated near the Zero point of Yamuna Expressway, where some farmers have indulged in crop residue burning, which also led to an unfortunate car accident. Prior to this, several incidents […]Read More


Supporting moms: Navigating mental health during pregnancy and beyond

Dr Meghana Andankar Pregnancy and motherhood are one of the most profound experiences, but they can also be incredibly challenging both physically and mentally. Mothers become intensified with the growing societal pressures and expectations which significantly leads to mental health issues among them. Which further makes it mandatory to support them mentally, physically, and emotionally […]Read More

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