Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Destiny’s Child: The Undefeatable Reign of Cochin’s Parukutty Neithyaramma is an intimate account of the extraordinary life of Parukutty Nethyaramma, one of the most powerful rulers of the Kingdom of Cochin. Married at 14 to a man 17 years her senior did not, in any way, limit her. In fact, she created […]Read More
Team L&M To celebrate the International Day of Happiness (March 20) Vrindavan Foundation for Art and Culture (VFAC) is holding Art for Peace today event today. It consists of three parts Varnika, Anahata, and the Saga of Joy. Varnika shows the essence of colours on canvas with live music of Violin, Tabla, Flute, Piano, Guitar […]Read More