Your vision gives you purpose and a direction. If you follow this direction, you may realize that you are taking the wrong path and that’s OK because that’s an opportunity to adjust your course towards a new promising destination. Focus for entrepreneurs is a double-edged sword cause: You want to stick to your vision by […]Read More
Today, awareness of beauty products and treatments, fashion and grooming is at an all-time high. This is attributed to exposure to global trends and lifestyle changes, higher disposable incomes and the trend towards fitness and youth. Both women and men know that looking one’s best imparts self-confidence, very necessary in today’s competitive career world. Moreover, […]Read More
National award-winning actor-writer-filmmaker-author ANANTH MAHADEVAN talks to SAURABH TANKHA about his book on Indian television, of content not being king anymore in the entertainment industry, on why Bollywood should be renamed Follywood, his life and more… Your book, Once Upon A Prime Time, you say is “part memoir, part history and a lot of […]Read More