
Self-motivation and creativity among teachers is must to make class interactive and interesting

Team L&M

A workshop was conducted on enhancing self-motivation and creativity among teachers so as to enable them to make their classroom more interactive and interesting. The resource person Upasana Kaura started the session with an enriching ice-breaking activity wherein the teachers were asked to meditate for five minutes and think about all things they did in the morning and what gave them the maximum stress.

The teachers narrated their experiences which enthused their interest and prepared them for further proceedings. The resource person thereafter laid stress on self-motivation and creativity as the two best tools for success in life which also give utmost satisfaction to the mind. They were told to concentrate on what they loved and liked and not bother about anything negative. Teachers shared their experience and asked for tips to handle tough children to which the resource person remarked that no student is tough to handle and that it is the creative skill of a teacher which is found lacking to handle them. The teachers thoroughly enjoyed the workshop that ended with the song, We shall overcome…

The workshop was organised by 6to16, the education wing of Life & More, in association with HT Pace.

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