Fundamentals of a good team

Team L&M

The workshop at GD Goenka School, Model Town Extension on Team Building saw excellent tips given to the teachers to maintain and work as a team. The resource person Ashwani Kumar Sharma emphasised on the fact that any organisation is worth only when all the members work together to achieve the set target with half of the work getting done effortlessly. He shared that the word TEAM can be read as an acronym — Together Everyone Achieve More. He also emphasised on the fact that dealing with children should be combined effort of the teachers as one student is taught by many teachers so all should discuss the issues and then tackle him or her. The approach should be collaborative and not individualistic.


The teachers were involved in a fun-filled activity wherein they were divided in groups of 10 and each given an activity — Meal On Wheels to perform. The teachers in groups were to create a brand name of a food item and provide seven USPs of the same and then each group was to promote their Meal on Wheels through a short presentation. The activity was appreciated by all as it involved team work. The aim was that so the teachers know the significance of a good team and take the message to their classrooms for making children love the tasks they are assigned through active involvement and cooperation — the fundamentals of a good team.

The workshop was organised by 6to16, the education wing of Life & More, in association with HT Pace.

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