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Life & More speaks to a couple of healthcare providers on how they view 2023, and what they hope for 2024. Read on:

Balasubramanian (Bala) Sankaranarayanan, President and CEO, Thryve Digital Health LLP

One of the most important trends in healthcare industry that we will witness in 2024 is the augmented usage of AI, especially Gen AI, in healthcare applications.  We have already seen how digital transformation enabled healthcare providers to achieve better patient outcomes in the wake of the pandemic, and now we are witnessing the democratization of Generative AI. While the AI LLM providers have been evolving their models to cater to specific industries including healthcare – we are still waiting to see which set of use cases will ramp from Pilots / POCs to production scale.
While we see a lot of focus and investment in running Pilots around the Customer-facing “effectiveness” use cases, we are also seeing a lot of interest in engineering and operations-facing “efficiency” use cases – such as exploring the use of AI to drive automation of coding and testing, processing core business ops, as well as in areas such as data security, which has always been a critical focus for healthcare providers.


Nilesh Aggarwal, Co-Founder, Medtalks

In 2023, one of the biggest developments in the healthcare arena that we observed was the evolution of AI-powered tools for not only care delivery, but also information dissemination, data analytics, and creating continuous learning opportunities for medical professionals. With the rapid digital transformation in the medical sector, the tools as well as therapeutic approaches are undergoing major changes. There is a lot of emphasis on using cutting-edge tools to closely monitor each individual’s health patterns and develop personalized treatment and wellness plans. This in turn has led to a greater demand for precise, short-duration, enhancement of know-how through continuous learning for healthcare professionals. At MedTalks, we have championed this cause, and our platform has played a key role in sharing authentic medical information and empowering doctors and caregivers with the latest developments and learnings in the post-pandemic world. We are now building collaborations with other stakeholders, and there is no doubt that digitally driven continuous learning for medical professionals is going to be as strong a trend as upskilling for technology professionals is. Generative AI and big data analytics will play a critical role in enhancing communication, generating disease and treatment awareness, and foster collaboration among different stakeholders of the medical ecosystem in 2024.


Dr Divya Singh, Sr Surgeon, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, & Director, Maaiya Social Front Foundation

As we bid farewell to 2023, a pivotal year in the healthcare sector, it’s time to reflect on the transformative trends that defined the industry. From groundbreaking technologies to shifts in patient care, the past year has been marked by innovation and resilience.
The evolution of digital health has revolutionized healthcare by enhancing access through virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and digital platforms. Telehealth has transitioned from a temporary solution to a permanent fixture, empowering individuals with wearable devices, health apps, and patient portals for real-time monitoring and personalized health information. The advent of AI integration in healthcare has improved diagnostics, enhanced the efficacy of medical interventional strategies, accelerated research, and facilitated informed clinical decisions. Acknowledging the significance of mental health, the healthcare sector has shifted towards holistic care, incorporating integrated mental health services and innovative digital solutions. Collaborative healthcare ecosystems have emerged, with interdisciplinary partnerships driving innovation for novel therapies. Environmental consciousness extended to sustainable healthcare practices, encompassing eco-friendly medical equipment and energy-efficient facilities, reducing the sector’s ecological footprint.
As we conclude 2023, these trends underscore the industry’s resilience and commitment to advancing healthcare. The lessons learned and innovations witnessed in this transformative year are sure to shape the future, propelling the healthcare sector into new frontiers of excellence and patient-centered care.


Vaibhav Tewari, Co-Founder & CEO, Portea Medical

In 2023, we witnessed transformative trends in Indian healthcare, with rapid growth in AI, digitalisation, telehealth, and telemedicine taking centrestage. These advancements addressed critical healthcare concerns, enhancing accessibility and patient-centric models. The telehealth flexibilities introduced during the pandemic are here to stay. Telehealth has played a pivotal role in transforming ‘point-of-care’ to ‘point-of-need’.
As we step into 2024, our goals reflect an unwavering commitment to continued innovation and improved accessibility. Collaborations with pharmaceutical companies are on the horizon to elevate chronic disease management, aligning with evolving patient preferences. There will be a continued focus on optimizing people management and operations through AI-driven solutions in healthcare industry. Digitalisation, AI, and telehealth will continue streamlining patient records, enhance communication, and enable remote consultations. The focus on workforce development through advanced training modules and augmented reality applications is inevitable, ensuring professionals stay abreast of the latest advancements. In 2023, Portea Medical forged strategic collaborations, including partnerships with insurance providers and pharmaceutical companies, reinforcing our commitment to comprehensive and inclusive healthcare across India.
Government policies with increased budgets for health-tech AI indicate a dedication to enhancing healthcare outcomes and data security. However, a strategic approach is imperative in 2024, prioritising data privacy and cybersecurity. Healthcare institutions must implement robust systems to protect patient information, ensuring the seamless integration of health tech innovations for improved patient outcomes and progress toward universal healthcare.

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