Care and beauty of your eyes

As far as the beauty of our eyes is concerned, prevention is always better than cure. So do pay attention to your lifestyle as this has a direct effect on the eyes. Modern occupations and activities take a heavy toll on our eyes and their beauty. Spending long hours looking at computer and television screens, reading fine print and figures as well as air pollutants result in eye fatigue. Lack of sleep can affect the eyes too and they begin to look puffy and bloodshot.  Habitual lack of sleep can lead to ageing skin and dark circles under the eyes. This not only tells on the appearance, but on the health of the eyes.

Regular sleep and rest are necessary to relieve eye strain. Sleep has great restorative powers for both health and beauty. It relieves fatigue and helps to renew and refresh.  When the eyes are closed, they are ‘washed’ with natural moisture. This is necessary for good health of the eyes. Anyone who spends long hours reading or working on a computer should take time off, periodically, to rest the eyes by closing them for a few minutes.



Eye fatigue can also be relieved with washing. Splash the eyes with water and it feels good immediately. In fact, contrast washing is good for the eyes. Wash with warm water and follow this with cold water washing. This improves blood circulation to the eyes and soothes them. It also cleanses the eyes and relieves congestion.

Do some eye exercises daily:

You can try this combination of massage and acupressure to help preserve eye beauty:

Regular exercises are extremely beneficial for both health and beauty. Consult your doctor about daily exercises and include deep breathing exercises in your schedule. Yogic Pranayama is ideal. It counteracts stress and also oxygenates the body.

Regularity is the keyword for external beauty care while nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle form the basis of beauty. In fact, internal good health and external care are two sides of the same coin. I think the woman today is fortunate that she has the benefit of information, beauty treatments and professional care.

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